Terms and Conditions for Sellers
By registering as a seller on the Site, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. It is the seller’s responsibility to regularly review and adhere to these terms to ensure that their use of our services remains in compliance.
2. Seller Accounts
2.1 Registration and Approval: To sell sheet music on the Site, you must complete the registration process and be approved. Approval is subject to the submission of valid information and compliance with our quality criteria.
2.2 Account Security: It is the seller’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of their account information and password. Any activity under your account is your responsibility.
3. Content Publishing
3.1 Intellectual Property: You must own the copyright or have explicit authorization to sell any sheet music that you upload to the platform.
3.2 Product Descriptions: Descriptions of the sheet music must be accurate and complete. Any misleading description may result in the removal of the content and possible sanctions.
3.3 Pricing: Sellers are free to set their own prices.
4. Sales Process
4.1 Transactions: We will process all transactions. The seller agrees that payment will be made in accordance with the terms and conditions established by us.
4.2 Commissions: We will retain a commission for each sale, which is detailed in the individual seller agreement.
5. Rights and Obligations
5.1 Legal Compliance: The seller is responsible for ensuring that their content complies with all applicable copyright laws and other laws.
5.2 Indemnification: The seller agrees to indemnify us against any claims or demands that arise from copyright infringement or other rights infringements by the seller.
6. Termination
6.1 By the Seller: The seller may terminate this agreement at any time with a written notice of 30 days to us.
6.2 By Us: We may terminate the agreement with any seller at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, violation of these terms.
7. Modifications to the Terms
We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Such modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the website. It is the seller’s responsibility to review these modifications.
8. General Provisions
8.1 Jurisdiction: This agreement is governed by the laws of Spain, where we are registered. Any dispute related to these terms will be resolved exclusively in the courts of that jurisdiction.
8.2 Entire Agreement: These terms constitute the complete agreement between the seller and us and supersede any prior agreements.